Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fairy Tale Novel Fan Art

Being more or less confined to bed with illness today, I found myself with time to do some decent graphic designing. It has been a long time since I've done any graphics inspired by Regina Doman's books, and I certainly haven't made anything that could really be called "good."

So with that in mind I whipped up three signatures- one above and two linked below:

Rose playing the violin- description

"Do I look like a dangerous character?"

Then I spent well over an hour- possibly two, carefully crafting together differant pictures into this desktop wallpaper of Blanche Brier, with text from Black as Night.

Rose, however, is the more popular of the sisters, and after several clamors over at the forum, I played around with the coloring and came up with a Rose Brier version of the wallpaper, with text from Waking Rose.

I am really falling in love with graphic designing. I've always loved color and design and since I'm happy to spend hours at a computer, this seems to be a good outlet for that (besides costuming, of course).

Feel free to borrow any of these- although I'd like credit if you use them on another website. And I'd love to know if you end up using a would be nice to know that all that time is actually benefiting someone. ;)

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